(We’re not musicians, but we’re making quick, first-take songs from pull-quotes — verbatim astonishments from the day’s news — because we thought it would be good dumb fun, and you gotta do something to leaven this heaviness. We started Feb. 17, 2017.)
This page archives the videos, quotes, sources, and links for Notely News songs 021–040. Here’s the entire archive, or follow along on Facebook, Instagram, or the Twitter.
YouTube playlist of songs 040–021, quotes and sources are below.
“A real man lusts. A real man rages. A real man doesn’t chip in with domestic duties. That’s not just Trump’s view — he once boasted that he’d never change a diaper…”
20170401 — via Frank Bruni’s op-ed for the New York Times: “Manhood in the Age of Trump”
“The question is why? Who else did it? Was it ordered? By whom?”
20170331 — Quote from White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, via Michael D. Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis’ “Sean Spicer Repeats…